3 Simple Ways to Get Out of an Overwhelm Spiral
Like many of my clients, I also struggle with an overactive mind that can send me into overwhelming spirals of thoughts that feel like Tasmanian devils swirling around in my head.
When I’m in the middle of such a spiral, it’s hard to think straight, take action, or find my way back to myself, let alone remember complex and multi-step tools to manage anxiety. Despite practicing and benefitting from many of these tools on a daily basis, it’s as if this knowledge goes out the window when I’m in the thick of it. Ah, to be human and imperfect.
Through trial and error, and many frustrating moments later, I have found 3 simple tools that I can actually remember and easily implement in the moments where I’m in the midst of the tornado. These tools have supported me and my clients in moving through the difficult moments with more ease, and my hope is that they will help you do the same.
So without further ado, here are 3 simple, effective, and easy to remember tools you can turn to when life feels like too much.
1. Breathe
Take deep breaths all the way down into your belly, breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth, making your exhale longer than your inhale and letting yourself sigh it out with sound.
If it’s helpful for you to count as you breathe, you can inhale for 4 seconds and exhale for 6.
2. Shake it off
Movement helps us get out of the overwhelming mind, exercise the stress energy out of the body, and change our neurochemistry by releasing beneficial chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin.
Any form of movement is helpful, but I have found shaking to be the easiest and most effective route in moving through overwhelm and anxiety. Shake your body in whichever way you can - there is no right or wrong way of doing it.
3. Emote
Sometimes we just need to release the emotional charge by fully expressing it in a safe container without judgement.
Go into a private space where you won’t be interrupted and allow your emotions to come up and out - cry, scream into a pillow, stomp your feet, shake your fear. The motto here is: better out than in!
The next time you find yourself spiraling, try on one of these tools and keep going until you feel a sense of relief. You got this.
Sending you lots of love,